TMC Solutions can support you on a number of different levels. Of course we can offer support for applications we've created for you, but you can also call on us to fix, enhance, maintain or support applications we didn't create. So essentially there are three types of support we offer - Interventions (which can be either Fixes or Enhancements), and Long Term Support.

The starting point of any Fix is the Fix Request. We have a template for our clients to complete and can help you with the process if desired. The aim is to give us the best possible idea of what the application is doing wrongly - if this can be decribed in technical terms that is helpful, but in business terms is fine, our consultants have the experience to discover the cause of the problem as long as they know what the problem is. Since many Fix Requests are very small, to cut through red tape all contractual agreements are also included in the Fix Request (e.g. payment rates and terms, dates, etc.), so everything needed by both you and us is included in the one document.

An Enhancement to an application can range from either very small to very large. As a result, small enhancements are handled with the Enhancement Request, which is similar to the Fix Request. Large enhamcements require following the Development Procedure model, i.e. Requirements Specification, Program Specification, Contract. We do not have any hard and fast rules about where the cutoff is between 'small' and 'large' enhancements, we let common sense dictate between us and you.

Long Term Support can be provided by us off-site for either our own applications or yours. For this we need a Support Contract, which details the support hours, response time, various rates (i.e. retainer, call out / intervention, after hours, etc.), length of contract, etc. You are supported from the moment the Contract is signed.

As with all our work, all interventions (i.e. Fixes, Enhancements, or Support activites) are of course fully documented in standard form so that you always have full version control over your applications.